Your Colon and Colon health is a topic most people don’t like to talk about. But so much more than digestion happens is your colon. And its health is vital to your overall health. Here is some colon cleanse benefits so you can see how really important good colon health is to you. Its time to stop being afraid about this health topic. And time to start taking care of your colon.
Why Cleanse Your Colon And Some Colon Cleanse Benefits.
Most people don’t realize what really goes on in their colon. And most don’t want to talk about the subject. But we should because a healthy colon is a key to our overall health. So colon health should not be taking lightly. So we all need to start thinking about our colons.
Because I have had some health issues over the years. And my grandfather died of colon cancer. So with that said I had to start getting the test most men hate at an earlier age than most. The colonoscopy. granted I was not too thrilled my first time to get it. And was not all too happy with the day before prep you have to do. But I got through it.
After it was all said and done I felt great. With all that junk flushed out of my colon. I felt empty which made me feel lighter. And over the next few months, I felt energized without all those toxins sitting inside my colon. It is because of that, I started doing a routine (4 times a year) colon cleanse. Because of all the colon cleanse benefits. I don’t want to wait every 5 years to do a good colon flush. Plus a colon cleanses can help reduce your risk of colon cancer. A NO brainer for me with a family history of it. I use an amazing product I found called Prevail Breakthrough.
Some Key Benefits of a colon cleanse.
Can help increase your energy.
When your colon is clean your body does not have to waste energy. The energy that would have been used to force waste through your body. Can now be used by the other parts that need it. Most people that have cleansed their colon claim to have better blood circulation. Plus a more restful sleep which can also increase your energy. If you want a big boost in energy you should try Prevails Energy Drink
Key to losing weight.
You might not like reading this part but here we go. Low fiber foods move through your digestive tract at one quarter the pace of high fiber foods. These slow-moving foods produce excess mucous which sticks to your intestinal walls. Allowing pounds of decaying fecal matter to remain in your colon. Cleansing your colon can remove this unwanted waste. Allowing foods to move better through your digestive tract. Which can kick-start your metabolism helping you lose weight. If you want an added boost to your weight loss you should try the weight loss coffee Prevails SlimRoast Optimum
A clean colon absorbs Vitamines and Nutrients Better.
With all that decaying matter flushed out of your system, this allows your colon to work properly. Letting waste pass through it easily. Allowing for easy absorption of water, vitamins, and nutrients. This can also boost your energy since your body is receiving the nutrients it needs.
The most important colon cleanse benefits for me is decreased risk of colon cancer.
One of the reasons I colon cleanse. Because all day our bodies take in toxins. From what we eat, drink, breath, and even absorbed through our skin. These all end up in our liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal system. If our bodies don’t expel them quickly they can do a lot of harm. By releasing stagnant body waste, you reduce the causes and the risk of polyps, cysts and cancerous growths in your colon and gastrointestinal tract.
Can Increase Fertility.
Combining colon cleansing with increased fiber intake, and healthy eating improves regularity. Which in turn helps you keep your weight under control. Because fat is estrogen based. If too much is present in your body becoming pregnant can be more difficult. Not to mention a colon weighed down with waste can press on your uterus and surrounding organs. Because this causes strain on them. Plus the toxins in your colon can also affect egg and sperm production. So some believe both partners should undergo a colon cleanse before attempting to get pregnant.
These are only a few of the many colon cleanse benefits. I won’t bore you with the rest. But as you might have seen. Ridding the colon of waste and toxins by releasing layers of colon buildup can lead to feelings of lightness, increased energy, and overall good health. colon cleanse benefits
This is a very simple way to help you feel healthier. Because it’s a simple 12 Day Cleanse (every 90-days). To assist in providing an optimal environment of digestion, detoxification and elimination.
Prevail Breakthrough AM/PM™ is two simple formulas designed for morning and night use, this product will have you fit, healthy and happy all day.
A formula that is a source of antioxidants and probiotics that will temporarily modify gut flora.
Manage Weight
Support Healthy Metabolism
Help Detoxify and Replenish
Because it was designed to be an effective quarterly regimen. And safe and easy to do every 90 days. It will provide you with the optimal environment for digestion in only 12 days. Start drinking your way to a healthier you.
Breakthrough AM
This is a gentle probiotic drink to have daily (for 12 days). That is a great source of antioxidants and probiotics that will temporarily modify your gut flora. Because it contains ProDURA® Bacillus coagulans This is a spore-forming probiotic bacterium. Containing numerous health benefits.
And if that was not good enough on its own. It can help lower total cholesterol. While also raising HDL levels. Producing a positive impact by improving lipid status.
And for you lactose intolerant people this can help you in another way. Because it will reduce your intolerance to lactose.
Prevail Breakthrough was designed and proven to survive the harsh conditions. found in the gastrointestinal environment. Demonstrating the durability and tolerance of Bacillus coagulans. ProDURA™ Bacillus coagulans is a registered trademark of Nebraska Cultures, Inc.
Breakthrough PM
The PM dose of Prevail Breakthrough is a whole food that is a powerful nutrient drink. That was designed to help detoxify and assist the body with vital wellness. traditionally used in herbal medicine. For its diuretic and laxative properties. Helping to treat digestive disturbances.
Can also help the body with an overgrown Candida Yeast situation. And increase the bodies ability to absorb nutrients, and boosting metabolism.
So you can see the benefits of making Prevail Breakthrough part of a 90-day regimen. It only takes 12 days to complete. Tell me is a healthier you worth 12 days every 90 days. I say yes!
Be sure to check out all the amazing products available. Making this a whole body supercharge system.